version 0.4 - 14.9.2008 dtv2sertrans: * rewrote whole application and added a more generic command handler * added flash sub commands * added state tracking of dtvtrans server * added dtvtrans 1.0 commands, e.g. exit, init, load, run, save * added fill command to fill memory of DTV * added info command to query server information * added ping command to perform is-alive check of server * changed sys command now uses dtvtrans 1.0 sys, waits for result and does a sys_result to query the result values * added sys call diagnose to test reliability of sys call feature dtv2ser protocol: * due to size contraints: redesigned and streamlined protocol * added 'm' transfer mode command that replaces debug transfer commands * added 'a' is-alive check to query if server has a running dtvtrans * replaced all old dtvtrans commands with generic 'c' dtvtrans command dtv2ser firmware: * replaced debug transfer commands with one transfer routine that uses a toggle command to determine data flow * dtvtrans commands are not handled in the dtv2ser device anymore. commands are triggered with 'c' and the client passes all arguments and afterwards picks up the resulting output version 0.3 - 2.3.2008 dtv2sertrans: * fixed serial setup for windows * added 'bootstrap' command * added 'joy stream/type/wiggle' commands * added AutoType generator * added Screen Code compiler * added local command switches, e.g.: bootstrap -s full * added automatic file type detection by extension (*.bin, *.raw, *.prg) * added output of total transfer time and size dtv2ser protocol: * removed 't*' and replaced it with a single 't' command * removed command argument verification to save space * added 'js' command * added new data transfer protocol for read/write mem and boot * added transfer protocol for joystream dtv2ser firmware: * cleaned up and stream-lined command execution * added joystick output * added joystream execution * new RTS/CTS serial reception handling for fast dtvtrans 1.0 transfers