X11.app Preferences for MacVICE

VICE on Macs runs in the X11 Window Environment and thus on the X11 Display Server provided by Apple called X11.app. It will be automatically launched if you click on a VICE application icon.

The X11.app will run in the menu bar if VICE is active. The Preferences.. in the Apple Menu have some settings that help you to simplify the usage of VICE:

  • Emulate three button mouse: This setting is required if you have a single -button mouse or trackpad on your mac. It enables the standard shortcut Option + Mouse Click = Right Mouse Button. Use this inside a VICE Window to open the Settings Menu.
  • Use the system keyboard layout: This feature automatically maps all keys set in your language setting on macs (The flag icon in the menu bar) to equivalent X11 keys. This setting is required for the symbolic key mapping in VICE. In this mode the symbol labeled on your keys is sent to the emulator.
  • Enable keyboard shortcuts under X11: If enabled the Command/Apple key is handled directly by X11.app and not sent to any X11 application. Thus pressing Command+Q will quit X11.app! For VICE I disable this setting. Now pressing Command+Q is sent to VICE to quit the emulator but not X11. Furthermore all other VICE shortcuts work with the command key, e.g. Command+A is a Smart Image Attach

VICE 1.20 Mac Problems

Unfortunately, the new release 1.20 of VICE has some problems on Macs. In this post I will summarize the ones we have found.

  • Crash on Settings Loading: There is a (endianess) bug that will crash VICE on start up. Currently, the only workaround is to not save any settings at all. If you already have saved settings then remove the file $HOME/.vice/vicerc.
  • Keymap selector does not work: The menu entry Keyboard settings/Keyboard mapping type/Positional mapping (US) is non functional and loads the symbolic mapping again.

Both bugs are already fixed and will be gone in the next release.

MacViceBuilder replaced by VICE 1.20

For those who didn’t know it already: The build scripts that create a universal mac binary of VICE called MacViceBuilder are now completely integrated in the current VICE release.

I removed the download link from my page and updated the site’s contents.

PS: All patches found there are also integrated in the current VICE release.