libtrace – a library function tracer for FS-UAE

During development traces are a really helpful source of information when doing debugging or if you simply want to understand how a system works. When developing for the classic Amiga platform you learn a lot about the inner workings of applications if you could see what library functions they call and what parameters they pass in and get out. You can observe its behavior without having the source code and all that almost live…

Here libtrace comes into play: Its a debugging extension I have written for the famous FS-UAE Amiga emulator that allows you to take this look behind the scenes of the system: You can trace any library and any function set and you will see what function was called by printing its name, the arguments and the values passed in an out…

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A lua shell for FS-UAE

While FS-UAE recently added a scripting interface with a Lua scripting binding, it only provides capabilities to write scripts with hooks that will be called on certain emulator events. I  hacked this scripting interface and added a Lua remote shell. With this shell you can connect while the emulator is running and issue commands. I also started to add disk image related functions to the Lua binding. With these features combined I could show off the power of a scripting shell by writing a tool to insert floppy and cd-rom disk images while the emulator is running – a long awaited and missing feature… Continue reading