DiskImagery64 0.5a released

Oops! I think it was too late yesterday…

The Mac application bundle of version 0.5 is corrupt! It only runs on a system with Qt libraries installed. I forgot to fix the internal references of the relocated Qt frameworks 🙁

Help is on its way: I just uploaded version 0.5a that fixes the bundling script. Now the Mac app should run on any system…

BTW: If you have installed the CBM Fonts then you might need a logou/login on your Mac to enable them correctly!

DiskImagery64 0.5 released

First of all: The best wishes for 2007 to you all!

The nice thing with christmas holidays is the spare time you have to work on some retro projects. One of the my number-one want-to-have-tools is a browser for disk images (D64 of course) to quickly scan through the pile of disk image files I have on my Mac’s hard disk. There are some disk editors available that would do the trick, but mostly on Windows or Java and not natively on Macs. Since none of my christmas parcels contained such a Mac App, I simply started to write my own one…

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WarpCopy64 on Macs

Graham’s WarpCopy64 is *the* tool if you want to copy some of your real c64 disks directly via ethernet to your host. The initial release was windows only, but j0x did a really nice job of porting the host code as a command line tool to linux.

So I thought, why not run this little gem on my MBP (as it is a well-behaved un*x-system, too)…
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The Final Replay on VICE

The Final Replay (TFR06) is a ROM replacement for the Retro Replay cartridge. It supports the network adapter RRNET very well and provides nice networking features like the codenet or WarpCopy64 (a high speed disk transfer tool).

Unfortunately, TFR06 does not run on the current version (1.20) of VICE. It simply hangs the emulator after a reset cycle if the RRNET emulation is enabled. Here is how to fix it:

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My DTV64 Mod

The DTV 64 is essentially a retro-style Joystick with a hardware emulation of a Commodore 64 embedded inside. It is shipped with a flash ROM that contains 30 Games. Many people on the net have transformed the C64 from a joystick retro toy into a really usable C64-clone with keyboard connector, 2 joystick ports and a IEC port for a 1541 floppy. Recently, I did the same mod to my DTV 64.

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