Becoming a dad does not only completely change your life but also changes the scope of your hobby projects (If time still permits :)) My first self-made project made especially for my newborn baby boy Felix is called pifon and is an audio baby monitor realized with two Raspberry Pi devices.
The hardware setup is fairly simple: one Pi, the pifon server, has a USB web cam attached. I use its internal microphone to record the voice of my little boy. The other Pi is the pifon monitor and has a set of analog speakers attached for the output. Additionaly, the mon device has an Adafruit RGB LCD Plate attached and I use the LCD on this little plate as output device and its 5 keys as user input. I did not mount the plate directly on the Pi but used a ribbon cable to detach it: This allows me to package the plate in its own housing (As it is easier to find a case for the plate alone):